He is claustrophobic. Afraid of the dark, sharks and mushrooms. His favorite color is purple. He is passionate about Beyoncé. He has a problem with glass doors. He can solve a Rubik's Cube in 3 minutes. His favorite food is pasta and her favorite juice is orange. His blood type is O-. He has been recovery in mathematics. He slept in the closet. He has fallen out of bed, was too lazy to get up and slept on the floor. His mother has seen him talking to the wall and plants. He has baby face in the morning. He hates math and loves English. He speaks French. He hates ugg boots. He plays four different instruments. He has sung for President Obama twice. He was afraid of clowns when I was little. He wears Dolce & Gabanna. Uses band-aids on his fingers. He does not like chocolate. If he could be a superhero, Superman would. He loves the sea. He has already fled bike home at 2am. He roots for the Toronto Maple Leafs. He loves ducks and lamps. Take pictures in the dark. Likes to provoke us. Walks like a duck without moving too hip for the pants do not fall, He is addicted to shoes Supra brand, but also loves Adidas, Vans and All Star. In the morning the first thing you think about is eating. His little sister Jazzy is his princess, and her brother is his Spiderman. He loves to enter into a restaurant and eat one of the most expensive dishes, just for him. He was born below the poverty line. Lived in Government House. He learned to play all the instruments that play alone. He loves his Beliebers and demonstrates every day. Saved millions of lives with a simple phrase'' NEVER SAY NEVER''. 'll Introduce Justin Drew Bieber, my idol. "THAT YOU JUDGE WITHOUT KNOWING.